CMDA of Western NY  Open House, dedication, and dinner

Saturday, Oct 15 at 6:00 pm

CMDA’s new Christian Health and Ministry Center at 1100 Main St in Buffalo is very exciting as there’s so much potential for ministry, education, and connections with others who also want to enhance patient care by addressing faith and providing whole-person healthcare.  There will be an Open House, dedication, and dinner at the center on Saturday, Oct 15 at 6:00 pm. Ethan and Liz Helm will also be there and will give us an update about their full-time medical missionary work in Cambodia. 


Also, in order for this new Christian Health and Ministry Center to be effective and sustainable, we ask you please provide regular prayer and financial support. Automatically recurring gifts (monthly, quarterly, etc.) are particularly helpful with budget planning. There will also be opportunities to be involved with ministry activities at the center, if you’d like to do so.

If you are willing to make a tax-deductible donation to support the Christian Health and Ministry Center, that would be super helpful and much appreciated 😃 🙏

Recurring or one-time gifts can be made on-line at:

CMDA is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA)

David Holmes, MD
CMDA of Western NY
Office: 716-898-4278
Cell: 716-697-1884