Our Bi-annual conference, Finding the Abundant Life..Hope and Light in the Midst of the Storm was held on Monday, October 15th at the Tonawanda Castle. Our Registration brochure stated, “At this conference, we hope to communicate and demonstrate how to plan in advance for emergencies and become aware of potential catastrophes. We will also discuss the need to develop a plan to survive following a disaster as well as understanding the need to minister to others.”
Speakers featured were Elise Pignatora, MS CLC speaking about Points of Dispensing, Retired Fire Chief John Lapham-Emergency Response, Patti Aine Guzinski, The Role of Spiritual Care in Disaster, Chris Warden, MS-Mental Health First Aid. A highlight of the conference was Pattie Aine Guzinski and Elise Pignatora presenting “Stop the Bleed” a National program to train the public with emergency efforts to stop blood loss in Emergency situations. Also highlighted was The Network of Religious Communities Panel Discussion. Included in the Panel discussion were Dr. G Stanford Bratton, Rev Dr. James Lewis, Jan Tyson, and Michael Martin discussing the handling of Disasters and Emergencies from a multi-cultural perspective.
The conference was well received and “The Castle” provided an excellent lunch for all attending. The Closing Devotion was given by Michael Martin, Executive Director at Native American Community Services of Erie and Niagara Counties, Inc.
Thank you to our conference committee, Cindy Phillips and Athena Tucker Pasiak, co-chairs, Rev Amos Acree, Conference Opening prayers and remarks, Mary Ann Clayback- food and hotel planning, Lois Tripp and Deborah Coplin-Hall- Registration, Maureen Daley-pre-conference meeting documentation.